Executive Academy in Leading Transition

(formerly: EBS Executive MBA)

A well-renowned EBS Executive MBA programme has been now re-designed as a new joint programme between EBS and EKA to empower you to become a successful leader in the age of uncertainty.

  • Skills Learn how to transform industries and businesses, and gain coaching expertise to guide others in this journey.
  • Objective Deliver a case with a powerful real-world impact.
  • Collaboration Dream team of EKA design thinkers and EBS business coaches.
  • Study Trips Transforming industries in Tallinn and Narva, Estonia, Saarland, Germany.
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Module 1. Exploring Context, Challenges and Possibilities


Module 2. Discovering New Perspectives


Module 3. Designing Disruptive Changes


Module 4. Value Creation


Module 5. Achieving Societal Impact

Module 1. Exploring Context, Challenges and Possibilities

12-14.03 and 9-11.04.2025EBS Tallinn and EKA Narva

Who: Peep Aaviksoo, Merle Viirmaa, Marko Rillo, Meelis Kitsing, Katri Raik, Kaarel Suuk

The first module consists of two sessions:

  • 12-14.03.2025 – EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia – Teambuilding and Introduction to Coaching and Fieldwork
  • 9-11.04.2025 – EKA Campus in Narva, Joala 18, Narva Estonia – Strategy and Systems.

The first session – Teambuilding, Introduction to Coaching and Fieldwork

The first session improves communication skills by introducing through constant feedback and coaching tools. The session helps participants to learn how to summarise and communicate complex issues in easy and understandable ways. The interactive workshop on coaching tools and techniques is delivered by Peep Aaviksoo and Merle Viirmaa.


  • Uses coaching in personal and professional development.
  • Uses tools for group coaching in team setting.

The second session – Strategy and Systems

The second session takes a multi-level view to leading and designing change:

  1. On systems level, it focuses on adapting to change in VUCA environment that requires understanding uncertainties and complexities.
  2. On organisational level, it focuses on creating change in social systems comprised of individuals with occasionally aligning or conflicting goals.
  3. On individual level, it focuses on creating change in oneself. Reflecting on participants development goals.

The session is delivered by Meelis Kitsing, Katri Raik and Kaarel Suuk


  • Uses strategy and systems thinking in transformative change.
  • Applies skills for strategic planning and systems analysis.

Teambuilding and fieldwork

12-14.03.2025EBS Tallinn

Who: Peep Aaviksoo, Merle Viirmaa, Marko Rillo

This session focuses on the importance of coaching in a rapidly changing world. It develops skills for effective coaching and group coaching techniques. The module helps participants to adapt to change and lead others through change.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 12. March 2025: Introduction to Study Programme and Fieldwork
  • Thu 13. March 2025: Coaching Introduction – Listening and Coaching Individuals
  • Fri 14. March 2025: Using Coaching for Leadership Techniques.

Session Contents

The aim of this session is to start with initial fieldwork and obtain the skills of coaching.

  • The person who completes the course acquires knowledge that enables a better understanding of the nature and potential of coaching in the development of management culture and the application of coaching methods and tools.
  • The subject brings clarity to the differences between coaching-mentoring-consultation-training and helps to discover alternatives to giving advice. An effective GROW model is introduced, which allows you to start coaching right away. The course covers important techniques for effective coaching, including developing listening skills and practicing asking open questions.
  • You will learn ways of listening that make your partner talk more, and you will be offered standard questions for practice that will bring the best answer.
  • Those who have completed the course know the characteristics of coaching management and know how to combine it with other management styles. You will learn to design forward and feedback conversations.
  • The course offers a lively learning environment and plenty of practical exercises.

Session Assignment

An essay on the topic “Who am I” with a length of 2-3 x A4 (750-1000 words), which must be uploaded to Canvas by March 31, 2025 at the latest.

Session Reflection

Session reflection will take place on March 28 virtually to discuss the session assignment.

Strategy and systems

9-11.04.2025EKA Narva

Who: Meelis Kitsing, Katri Raik, Kaarel Suuk

This session focuses on strategic planning and systems thinking in the context of transformative change.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Narva, Joala 18, Narva Estonia


  • Wed 9. April 2025. Introduction to Systems View – Adapting to VUCA Change
  • Thu 10. April 2025. Systems and Scenarios.
  • Fri 11. April 2025. Managing Systems in Parctice
  • Virtual session: Fri 25. April 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Session Contents

The second session takes a multi-level view to leading and designing change:

  1. On systems level, it focuses on adapting to change in VUCA environment that requires understanding uncertainties and complexities.
  2. On organisational level, it focuses on creating change in social systems comprised of individuals with occasionally aligning or conflicting goals.
  3. On individual level, it focuses on creating change in oneself. Reflecting on participants development goals.

The session is delivered by Meelis Kitsing, Katri Raik and Kaarel Suuk


  • Uses strategy and systems thinking in transformative change.
  • Applies skills for strategic planning and systems analysis.

Analyses and benchmarks

7-9.05.2025EBS Tallinn

This module focuses on the importance of analysis and benchmarking in systems-oriented design.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 7. May 2025.
  • Thu 8. May 2025.
  • Fri 9. May 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 23. May 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.


Study Tour (Saarbrücken)


This module focuses on managing transformative innovation projects and learning from the best global practices.


3-5.09.2025EKA Tallinn

This module focuses on setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and conducting cost-benefit analyses.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 3. September 2025.
  • Thu 4. September 2025.
  • Fri 5. September 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 19. September 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Disruptive innovation

1-3.10.2025EBS Tallinn

This module focuses on the balance between radical innovation and fine-tuning existing processes, with a focus on the technology basis.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 1. October 2025.
  • Thu 2. October 2025.
  • Fri 3. October 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 17. October 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Value proposition

29.-31.10.2025EKA Tallinn

This module focuses on designing value propositions, assessing viability, managing risks, and considering ethics.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 29. October 2025.
  • Thu 30. October 2025.
  • Fri 31. October 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 14. November 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Business modeling

26-28.11.2025EBS Tallinn

This module focuses on business modeling, pricing strategies, and budgeting.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 26. November 2025.
  • Thu 27. November 2025.
  • Fri 28. November 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 12. December 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Action planning

14-16.01.2026EKA Tallinn

This module focuses on action planning, production management, investment decisions, and legal aspects such as GDPR, taxes, intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 14. January 2026.
  • Thu 15. January 2026.
  • Fri 16. January 2026.
  • Virtual session: Fri 30. January 2026. Discussion of homework assignment.


11-13.02.2026EBS Tallinn

Who: Daniel Vaarik, Monika Tamla,

This module focuses on communication, marketing, and sales.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed1. February 2026: Marketing and Sales to achieve Organisational, Social and Personal Impact
  • Thu 12. February 2026: Media Communications Workshop.
  • Fri 13. February 2026: Public Presentation of Project Outcomes.
  • 27.02.2026 – EBS Campus in Tallinn – Final Graduation Ceremony

Session Contents

The goal of the media communication workshop is to equip participants with knowledge and practical tips for engaging with journalists, support the development of their personal presentation styles, boost their confidence, and optimally prepare them for presenting their message to the public. The workshop aims to guide participants in preparing for interviews, ensuring they remain focused on content during the interview, aware of their unique qualities and strengths, open,  confident, and ready to handle any surprises that may arise during the interview.

As part of the workshop preparation, each participant is required to produce a one A4 page text as written homework, based on their work, on a topic they wish to discuss in an interview. The methods used in the workshop include mini-lectures, interview video training, video analysis, and discussion.

Media communication workshop (television interview simulation) is an experiential learning-based training where:

  • Participants are provided with an overview of the fundamentals of conveying effective messages in media communications, enabling them to practice public speaking skills and interview techniques relevant to their day-to-day work;
  • Best practices are shared with participants, along with tips to guide their interactions with the media;
  • Participants are inspired and encouraged to embrace the role of spokesperson for their organization and/or field, leveraging their unique personalities and individual strengths, and allowing them to reflect on their personal experiences with media communication.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze their performance as public speakers and spokespersons, identifying their strengths and weaknesses related to media communication and interviews.
  • Manage both their verbal and non-verbal communication and behavior during media interview situations, cope with the stress of public speaking and employ techniques to boost speaking confidence, in order to be impactful and persuasive when addressing public audiences and interacting with the media.
  • Consider the needs of different audiences and adapt their presentation style to suit various contexts and situations.

Module 2. Discovering New Perspectives

7-9.05.25 and 4-6.06.25EBS Tallinn and Saarbrücken Germany

Who: Marju Lauristin, Ruth-Helene Melioranski, Tanel Kärp, Anna-Maria Praks

The second module consists of two sessions:

  • 7-9.05.2025 – EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia – Analyses and Benchmarks
  • 4-6.06.2025 – Study Tour to Saarbrücken, Germany – Strategy and Systems.

The third session – Analyses and Benchmarks

This module focuses on the importance of analysis and benchmarking in systems-oriented design.

The fourth session – Study Tour to Saarbrücken

This module focuses on managing transformative innovation projects and learning from the best global practices.


Module 3. Designing Disruptive Changes

3-5.09 and 1-3.10.2025EKA Tallinn and EBS Tallinn

Who: Siim Lepisk, Tamur Tohver

The third module consists of two sessions:

  • 3-5.09.2025 – EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia – Prioritisation and Analysing Future Focus
  • 1-3.10.2025 – EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia – Disruptive and Radical Innovation for New Idea Generation

The fifth session – Prioritisation and Analysing Future Focus

This module focuses on setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and conducting cost-benefit analyses.

The sixth session – Disruptive and Radical Innovation for New Idea Generation

This module focuses on the balance between radical innovation and fine-tuning existing processes, with a focus on the technology basis.


Module 4. Value Creation

29-31.10 and 26-28.11.2025EKA Tallinn and EBS Tallinn

Who: Valeria Kiisk, Peeter Koppel, Fabian Takacs

The fourth module consists of two sessions:

  • 29-31.10.2025 – EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia – Value Proposition and Value Creation
  • 14.11.2025 (virtual meeting)
  • 26-28.11.2025 – EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia – Business Modeling and Value Capture
  • 12.12.2025 (virtual meeting)

The 7th session – Value Proposition and Value Creation

This module focuses on designing value propositions, assessing viability, managing risks, and considering ethics.

The 8th session – Business Modeling and Value Capture

This module focuses on business modeling, pricing strategies, and budgeting.

Module 5. Achieving Societal Impact

14-16.01 and 11-13.02.2026EKA Tallinn and EBS Tallinn

Who: Claus Jacobs, Monika Tamla

The fifth module consists of:

  • 14-16.01.2026 – EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia – Action Planning
  • 30.01.2026 (virtual meeting)
  • 11-13.02.2026 – EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia – Communications and Marketing
  • 27.02.2026 – EBS Campus in Tallinn – Final Graduation Ceremony

The 9th Session – Action Planning

This module focuses on action planning, production management, investment decisions, and legal aspects such as GDPR, taxes, intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions.

The 10th Session – Communications and Marketing

This module focuses on communication, marketing, and sales.



Programme includes:

  • Practical tasks to foster innovation and creativity
  • Systems view and networks with different industries and topics
  • Out of box thinking for real life solutions
  • Personal growth that supports organisational growth
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Become a sustainably high-performing leader with deep sense of purpose, self-awareness and systemic thinking capabilities.

Develop a purpose-driven sustainable business model with beyond the profit results. Enable the new busines model by entrepreneurial and cross-functional self-managed teams, green technology and financing.

Have positive impact on the society and environment through stakeholder collaboration and co-innovation.

Keynote speakers

Meelis Kitsing

Professor Meelis Kitsing is the author of the “Political Economy of Digital Ecosystems: Scenario Planning for Alternative Futures” (Routledge 2021).

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Claus D. Jacobs

Prof. Claus D. Jacobs (PhD) is Professor at University of Bern and an Associate Fellow at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. As a consultant and educator, he has helped various companies such Arvato, Bombardier, Celgene. He has also worked with CERN,, UNICEF Germany and University Children’s Hospital Zurich, among others.

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Valeria Kiisk

Valeria Kiisk (PhD) is an expert in Capital markets, M&A, investment management | BFAA Investment Advisor | EFPA ESG Advisor.

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Peep Aaviksoo

Peep Aaviksoo is a top manager with 30 years of experience, the last 10 of which he was active as the head of EBS Executive Education. Aaviksoo has been a certified Executive Coach, 2014 ICF-Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and as a coaching trainer.

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Monika Tamla

Monika Tamla is an experienced educator and journalist. She has been news anchor Estonian Public Broadcasting main channel for more than a decade. Since then she has delivered TV simulation training at the Estonian Business School.

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Peeter Koppel

Peeter Koppel (EMBA) is an Estonian economic analyst and columnist who often comments on economic topics in the Estonian media, especially the behaviour of financial markets and the factors affecting it. He is Chief Investment Officer at Redgate Capital with years of experience in capital markets at various large financial institutions.

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Merle Viirmaa

Merle Viirmaa has worked on the boards of Estonia’s largest media companies. She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and is a member of both the Estonian and International Coaching Federation (ICF).

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Siim Lepisk

Siim is a seasoned leader with over two decades of experience in cultivating digital scalable businesses, driving corporate innovation, and championing SaaS venture building. Siim’s journey is marked by a profound passion for nurturing entrepreneurship, evidenced by his design of innovation programs and mentorship of over 500 startups and corporations.

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Ülle Pind

Ülle Pind is an experienced Management Consultant, Trainer, Executive and Career Coach.

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Meelis Kitsing

Estonian Business School

Professor Meelis Kitsing is the author of the “Political Economy of Digital Ecosystems: Scenario Planning for Alternative Futures” (Routledge 2021). Currently, Meelis serves as the Rector of Estonian Business School and CEO of Estonian Business School Foundation. Previously, he served as Head of Research at Foresight Center, a think-tank at the Estonian Parliament and an Adviser at the Strategy Unit of the Estonian Cabinet Office. He has also worked as Head of Economic Analysis at the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication. His interests in research focus on scenario planning and digital ecosystems. His research has been published by many recognized academic publishers including Routledge, MIT Press, Springer, IEEE, ACM, and Leuven University Press. Meelis received his PhD from the University of Massachusetts Amherst (US), his MALD as a Fulbright scholar from the Fletcher School at Tufts University (US) and his MSc as a Peacock scholar from London School of Economics (UK).

Claus D. Jacobs

Prof. Claus D. Jacobs (PhD) is Member of the Board of Directors, Professor of Public Management and Organization, Head of KPM Executive Education (MPA, CeMaP) at University of Bern, Switzerland and an Associate Fellow at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He is also the founder of Critical Junctures, a Swiss-based consultancy that offers process consultation for strategy formation, organisational development and change. As a consultant and educator, his collaborations include Arvato, Bombardier, Celgene, CERN, LGT Venture Philanthropy, UNICEF Germany and University Children’s Hospital Zurich among others.

Valeria Kiisk

Valeria Kiisk (PhD) is an expert in Capital markets, M&A, investment management | BFAA Investment Advisor | EFPA ESG Advisor. She is overseeing the corporate financial advisory side of Redgate Capital. As a board member, Valeria is responsible for sales, personnel, marketing, and communications.

Peep Aaviksoo

Peep Aaviksoo is a top manager with 30 years of experience, the last 10 of which he was active as the head of EBS Executive Education. He has found his calling in coaching, being one of the founders of EBS Executive Coaching Centre. Since 2012, Aaviksoo has been a certified Executive Coach, 2014 ICF-Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and 2018 ICF-Professional Certified Coach (PCC). Aaviksoo is a licensed expert of Team Coaching International: Certified Team Performance Coach™ (CTPC) and a certified consultant of Hogan Assessment Systems. Previously, Aaviksoo has worked as the CEO of the listed companies Norma and EMT and also as the deputy mayor of Tallinn. Aaviksoo has been the president of the Basketball Association and a member of the EOK Executive Committee for 12 years, as well as the chairman and member of the council of numerous companies. Aaviksoo graduated from the University of Tartu as a basketball coach and with an MBA diploma from EBS in 1993. In 2001, he completed the Senior Executive Program at the London Business School.

Monika Tamla

Monika Tamla brings a wealth of experience and a diverse skill set to her role as a Media Communication and Television Interview Simulation Trainer at the Estonian Business School. With a career spanning over two decades, Monika has made significant contributions across public service, media, and coaching sectors, showcasing her versatility and depth of knowledge. Monika has conducted media training sessions for both public and private sectors, sharing her insights and expertise to improve communication strategies and public presence. Her workshops are known for their interactive and engaging nature, often incorporating simulations and real-life scenarios to provide hands-on experience. Currently serving as an Advisor at the Government Office of Estonia in the Top Civil Service Competence Centre. From 2001 to 2018, Monika played a pivotal role at the Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR), where she worked as a journalist in News Department. Her career as a television journalist began in 2001 as the morning news anchor for TV program “Terevisioon.” From 2007 to 2018, she served as the news anchor for ERR’s main news program “Aktuaalne Kaamera.” Monika holds a Master’s degree and an Economist diploma (equivalent to an MBA) from Tallinn University of Technology. She also studied EU politics and International Relations in the Estonian School of Diplomacy, Political Science and International Relations in the University of Tartu and Advanced Political Journalism in the Baltic Media Centre in Bornholm.

Peeter Koppel

Peeter Koppel (EMBA) is an Estonian economic analyst and columnist who often comments on economic topics in the Estonian media, especially the behaviour of financial markets and the factors affecting it. He is Chief Investment Officer at Redgate Capital with years of experience in capital markets at various large financial institutions.

Merle Viirmaa

Merle Viirmaa has worked on the boards of Estonia’s largest media companies, has led strategic changes, modernized and renewed business models of media companies, and developed marketing strategies for several companies. Today she works as a management coach and consultant and a lecturer. Personal experience as a manager helps her understand the challenges of her clients. Merle is a pedagogue by education, she has improved his management knowledge at numerous trainings in Estonia and abroad.In recent years, Merle has devoted herself to coaching. She has worked as a coach with more than 100 managers, as a lecturer she has shared coaching skills and mindset with almost 400 interested people. Merle holds Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching (AoEC, England) and Gestalt Practitioner Diploma (GIS, Denmark). She is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and is a member of both the Estonian and International Coaching Federation (ICF). Merle is also a columnist for Edasi magazine. Topics close to her heart have been the management of change and innovation, as well as the field of female leadership.

Siim Lepisk

Siim is a seasoned leader with over two decades of experience in cultivating digital scalable businesses, driving corporate innovation, and championing SaaS venture building. Siim’s journey is marked by a profound passion for nurturing entrepreneurship, evidenced by his design of innovation programs and mentorship of over 500 startups and corporations.
Siim’s expertise lies in seamlessly integrating strategies for digital revenue streams and efficiency, igniting pathways for sustainable growth. He leverages his extensive experience and network to empower companies to flourish in the borderless business landscape. Siim’s approach revolves around fostering innovative cultures and embracing cutting-edge technologies to fuel digital growth.

Ülle Pind

Ülle Pind is an experienced Human Resource Leader and member of top management with a demonstrated history of working in the banking, telecommunication and wood production industry. During the more than 20 years she has been leading human resources, organizational design and cultural change in many international companies like Swedbank Estonia, Ericsson Estonia, Elcoteq Tallinn and Stora Enso Baltic. As a practitioner who knows the soul of organization, she believes that the company can achieve its results only through purposeful and caring leadership. The core of well-functioning employer brand is an inclusive and transparent organization culture and people management. She has been a leader in promoting the development of leadership culture. Mentoring, coaching and career coaching have been implemented in Ericsson and Swedbank.

Ülle holds Advanced Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching (AoEC, England) and Career Coach Diploma (Fontes). Ülle has been selected as Estonian´s Most Influential HR Manager 2021 and has known as a one of the top HR fields visioner and practitioner.


A 10 month development journey


Location Tallinn, Estonia
Programme Estonian Business School and
Estonian Academy of Arts
joint programme
Language English
Degree Diploma
Duration 10 months, 10 sessions
Effort Each session 3 days + virtual reflection session


Teambuilding and fieldwork

EBS Tallinn


Strategy and systems

EKA Narva


Analyses and benchmarks

EBS Tallinn


Study Tour (Saarbrücken)




EKA Tallinn


Disruptive innovation

EBS Tallinn


Value proposition

EKA Tallinn


Business modeling

EBS Tallinn


Action planning

EKA Tallinn



EBS Tallinn

Teambuilding and fieldwork

12-14.03.2025EBS Tallinn

Who: Peep Aaviksoo, Merle Viirmaa, Marko Rillo

This session focuses on the importance of coaching in a rapidly changing world. It develops skills for effective coaching and group coaching techniques. The module helps participants to adapt to change and lead others through change.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 12. March 2025: Introduction to Study Programme and Fieldwork
  • Thu 13. March 2025: Coaching Introduction – Listening and Coaching Individuals
  • Fri 14. March 2025: Using Coaching for Leadership Techniques.

Session Contents

The aim of this session is to start with initial fieldwork and obtain the skills of coaching.

  • The person who completes the course acquires knowledge that enables a better understanding of the nature and potential of coaching in the development of management culture and the application of coaching methods and tools.
  • The subject brings clarity to the differences between coaching-mentoring-consultation-training and helps to discover alternatives to giving advice. An effective GROW model is introduced, which allows you to start coaching right away. The course covers important techniques for effective coaching, including developing listening skills and practicing asking open questions.
  • You will learn ways of listening that make your partner talk more, and you will be offered standard questions for practice that will bring the best answer.
  • Those who have completed the course know the characteristics of coaching management and know how to combine it with other management styles. You will learn to design forward and feedback conversations.
  • The course offers a lively learning environment and plenty of practical exercises.

Session Assignment

An essay on the topic “Who am I” with a length of 2-3 x A4 (750-1000 words), which must be uploaded to Canvas by March 31, 2025 at the latest.

Session Reflection

Session reflection will take place on March 28 virtually to discuss the session assignment.

Strategy and systems

9-11.04.2025EKA Narva

Who: Meelis Kitsing, Katri Raik, Kaarel Suuk

This session focuses on strategic planning and systems thinking in the context of transformative change.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Narva, Joala 18, Narva Estonia


  • Wed 9. April 2025. Introduction to Systems View – Adapting to VUCA Change
  • Thu 10. April 2025. Systems and Scenarios.
  • Fri 11. April 2025. Managing Systems in Parctice
  • Virtual session: Fri 25. April 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Session Contents

The second session takes a multi-level view to leading and designing change:

  1. On systems level, it focuses on adapting to change in VUCA environment that requires understanding uncertainties and complexities.
  2. On organisational level, it focuses on creating change in social systems comprised of individuals with occasionally aligning or conflicting goals.
  3. On individual level, it focuses on creating change in oneself. Reflecting on participants development goals.

The session is delivered by Meelis Kitsing, Katri Raik and Kaarel Suuk


  • Uses strategy and systems thinking in transformative change.
  • Applies skills for strategic planning and systems analysis.

Analyses and benchmarks

7-9.05.2025EBS Tallinn

This module focuses on the importance of analysis and benchmarking in systems-oriented design.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 7. May 2025.
  • Thu 8. May 2025.
  • Fri 9. May 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 23. May 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.


Study Tour (Saarbrücken)


This module focuses on managing transformative innovation projects and learning from the best global practices.


3-5.09.2025EKA Tallinn

This module focuses on setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and conducting cost-benefit analyses.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 3. September 2025.
  • Thu 4. September 2025.
  • Fri 5. September 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 19. September 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Disruptive innovation

1-3.10.2025EBS Tallinn

This module focuses on the balance between radical innovation and fine-tuning existing processes, with a focus on the technology basis.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 1. October 2025.
  • Thu 2. October 2025.
  • Fri 3. October 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 17. October 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Value proposition

29.-31.10.2025EKA Tallinn

This module focuses on designing value propositions, assessing viability, managing risks, and considering ethics.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 29. October 2025.
  • Thu 30. October 2025.
  • Fri 31. October 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 14. November 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Business modeling

26-28.11.2025EBS Tallinn

This module focuses on business modeling, pricing strategies, and budgeting.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 26. November 2025.
  • Thu 27. November 2025.
  • Fri 28. November 2025.
  • Virtual session: Fri 12. December 2025. Discussion of homework assignment.

Action planning

14-16.01.2026EKA Tallinn

This module focuses on action planning, production management, investment decisions, and legal aspects such as GDPR, taxes, intellectual property, and mergers and acquisitions.

Session Overview

Location: EKA Campus in Tallinn, Põhja puiestee 7, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed 14. January 2026.
  • Thu 15. January 2026.
  • Fri 16. January 2026.
  • Virtual session: Fri 30. January 2026. Discussion of homework assignment.


11-13.02.2026EBS Tallinn

Who: Daniel Vaarik, Monika Tamla,

This module focuses on communication, marketing, and sales.

Session Overview

Location: EBS Campus in Tallinn, Lauteri 3, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Wed1. February 2026: Marketing and Sales to achieve Organisational, Social and Personal Impact
  • Thu 12. February 2026: Media Communications Workshop.
  • Fri 13. February 2026: Public Presentation of Project Outcomes.
  • 27.02.2026 – EBS Campus in Tallinn – Final Graduation Ceremony

Session Contents

The goal of the media communication workshop is to equip participants with knowledge and practical tips for engaging with journalists, support the development of their personal presentation styles, boost their confidence, and optimally prepare them for presenting their message to the public. The workshop aims to guide participants in preparing for interviews, ensuring they remain focused on content during the interview, aware of their unique qualities and strengths, open,  confident, and ready to handle any surprises that may arise during the interview.

As part of the workshop preparation, each participant is required to produce a one A4 page text as written homework, based on their work, on a topic they wish to discuss in an interview. The methods used in the workshop include mini-lectures, interview video training, video analysis, and discussion.

Media communication workshop (television interview simulation) is an experiential learning-based training where:

  • Participants are provided with an overview of the fundamentals of conveying effective messages in media communications, enabling them to practice public speaking skills and interview techniques relevant to their day-to-day work;
  • Best practices are shared with participants, along with tips to guide their interactions with the media;
  • Participants are inspired and encouraged to embrace the role of spokesperson for their organization and/or field, leveraging their unique personalities and individual strengths, and allowing them to reflect on their personal experiences with media communication.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Analyze their performance as public speakers and spokespersons, identifying their strengths and weaknesses related to media communication and interviews.
  • Manage both their verbal and non-verbal communication and behavior during media interview situations, cope with the stress of public speaking and employ techniques to boost speaking confidence, in order to be impactful and persuasive when addressing public audiences and interacting with the media.
  • Consider the needs of different audiences and adapt their presentation style to suit various contexts and situations.




The programme’s participation fee includes study materials, coffee breaks and lunches during training days, post-programme collective dinners and the collective activities in the programme. This price does not include accommodation or transport. VAT is not added to companies who are VAT residents outside Estonia.


€19,000 + VAT (22%)


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